Tag Archives for " stock market "

earnings season begins

Final Death Throes | Stock Market Update

This brief video is a very small segment of what my Insider Members get daily and weekly.  In this stock market update I review the S&P 500 (SPX) on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. I also look at the semiconductors, homebuilders and high yield bond fund.  

As I state in the video, my wave counts are close to completion and why I believe the stock market is in the final death throes of this bull market. Continue reading

trading tips

Is the Chart’s Story Clear or Confusing?

This post is a repeat of one I published over two years ago.  The title of that July 2014 post was “When you look at the chart, what do you see?” Some of the details might not be current but the idea sure is.  So what is the chart’s story?

It’s interesting to read the financial press. They always give a reason for the market’s action.  I can almost picture them sitting around and trying to figure out what they are going to say for any given day.  So the Dow was up 28.7 pts yesterday, what did they say?

Reuters: “Stocks managed to score modest gains on Friday, but the S&P 500 posted its biggest weekly drop since April as investors showed only mild enthusiasm after getting their first glimpses of earnings.”

Bloomberg: “U.S. Stocks advance as Internet rally offsets Portugal”

MarketWatch: “The U.S. stock market closed higher on Friday after the main benchmarks picked up steam in late afternoon, trimming weekly losses.” Continue reading

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