Tag Archives for " CAT "

The Fed Spoke Loud and Clear

FEd spoke loud and clearThe Federal Reserve didn’t raise interest rates today because of concern about the global economic situation. So the Fed Funds rate has been essentially flat at about .14% for almost 7 years now. By not raising rates today, the Fed spoke loud and clear. It says volumes about what is really going on.

The market’s reaction to China and other things has the Fed’s attention. But what Chairwoman Yellen also talked about was the lowering of the inflation curve out into the future. They are not seeing inflation coming back and there is a real concern about deflation getting a strong toehold globally.

The Fed meets again in October and December so there still is an opportunity to raise rates then. The DJIA was up 193 points at its intra-day high and closed down 65 points at 16,674.70. In the Weekday Market Wrap video below I look at the market action and CAT, WYNN, EXPE. Continue reading

Fed Meeting Rally

Image for the Federal ReserveWell, the much talked about Fed meeting is underway and concludes with a decision on interest rates tomorrow at 1pm CT followed by Fed Chairman Yellen’s news conference. I still believe we are correcting the big move down. The market is now as overbought as it was on July 16. I talk about this in the video below. Continue reading


CoilingThe market continues the coiling process of the last couple of weeks after the big breakdown in August. The DJIA was up 77 points today but the Hi-Lo indicator continues to read negative. I talk about my expectations in tonight’s video.

Stocks tonight are LULU, CAT, SCTY, TWTR and UAL. LULU got smashed today, down 16.4%. As a result our trade idea had a nice profit. Continue reading

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